Photoshop Tutorials Color
Create AMAZING Text FX Online!
Generate your own amazing, photoshop quality text effects online!
Photoshop: Vibrance
Trying to get the color in your photos saturated enough, but not too saturated, is a very common problem. Plus, trying to saturate the color of portraits without degrading the skin tones has always been an issue for photographers. The new Vibrance adjustment in CS4 makes this task much easier.
Colour an old photograph
You may have seen old photographs coloured with photoshop. Here is a tutorial on how to colour an old photograph using photoshop's basic tools. Remember, you are the one to catch the colour detail and you must trust your eye.
How to choose a colour scheme!
A informative article giving all the information you need to choose the right color scheme.
Use Photoshop Quick Mask to change the color of a car
Step by step detailed tutorial using Photoshop Quick Mask and layers to change the color of a car image
Photoshop Quick Tip - How To Change The Color Of Your Workspace
A quick ans easy tip on how to change the color of your workspace.
The RGB Color Wheel
RGB stands for Red-Green-Blue, which are the primary colors of light. RGB is the color mode used on computer monitors because they shine light into your eyes. When you add all three RGB primary colors together, you get pure white light. That’s why RGB is called “additive color”.
The CMYK Color Wheel
CMYK stands for Cyan-Magenta-Yellow and Key color (black). These are the primary colors for the translucent ink used in offset lithography (printing). When you subtract all four CMYK colors, you get the white of the paper (no color). That’s why CMYK is called “subtractive color”.
How to Easily Apply Color Variations
The Variations command is a simple and easy feature. It is designed to remove prevailing color cast and to restore the natural hue and saturation balance of an image.
Evoking Emotion With Color
Color is quite arguably the most important component of a project’s finished design. Whether you’re working on packaging, a logo, or a company’s entire identity, color plays a fundamental role in the process. When successfully used, color will grab a person’s attention, and evoke a range of emotions within them.
Quick and Easy Sepia
Learn how to create a super quick sepia effect that you can adjust manually.
Changing A Car's Color In Photoshop
Learn how to give your car a whole new paint job by using a number of selection and fill techniques
Photoshop: LAB Color: Man from Mars Technique
Author Dan Margulis discusses the Man from Mars technique in Photoshop LAB color.
Photoshop: Lab Color: Advanced Techniques
Author Dan Margulis discusses advanced techniques using LAB color in Photoshop.
Simple Image Retouching In Photoshop
This tutorial will teach you a simple technique to enhance the colors of your image making it more vivid and alive.