Photoshop Tutorials Basics
Create AMAZING Text FX Online!
Generate your own amazing, photoshop quality text effects online!
Pen Tool with Paths
Use the Pen Tool using the Paths option combined with the Brush presets to create some promising stroked shapes.
Photoshop Crash Course
The Webmonkey basic run-through of Photoshop. Topics include cropping, file formats, filters, layers, paths, faking images, and illustrations.
Pen Tool with Shape Layers
Basic use of the Pen Tool in combination with the Shape Tool can produce some promising results.
Basic Shapes 2
Getting to grips with the basics of those shapes in Photoshop to create some complex ones.
Basic Shapes 1
Getting to grips with the basics of those shapes in Photoshop.
Using Curves
What happens if you do unnatural things with the Image-Adjust-Curves command? Learn by example in this tutorial.
Quick Mask
Selecting is a very important part of using Photoshop. You need to find the easiest and best way to get it done. For irregular shapes in photographs the quick mask is ideal.
Styles on Masks
Did you know you could do this? When applied to masks, styles respond to luminosity instead of transparency. The results are very different from what you get when styles are applied to layers.
Basic Pen
This is a tough tool for beginners to master. Here are illustrations, explanations, and exercises to help you get started.
Basic Layers
Layers are hard to explain, but easy to learn if you dive in and use them. Here's a walkthrough of the creation of a composite image.
Photoshop 7 Palettes
Detailed information on all the features of each of Photoshop version 7 palettes. Screen shots of each of the palettes, buttons, dialog boxes, and menus along with explanations of how to use them.
Multilayer Masks
If you would like to apply one layer mask to multiple layers, hereís how. This is a very simple technique. The tutorial is in the Elements section, but it works the same in Photoshop.
Photoshop 7 Filters
See multiple illustrations of seventy five of the Photoshop filters. If you arenít familiar with all of the filters, hereís a way to browse through them. Find new ideas for effects youíd like to try o
Photoshop 7 Effects
Extensive information on all of the layer effects, and advanced blending options. Heavily illustrated with explanations of every setting in every dialog box.